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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 12/85

Regulation 12. Settlement of bills and late payment charge.

(1) Every purchaser shall pay all charges within thirty days from the date of billing.

(2) Where any amount of the bill rendered remains unpaid after the last day of the period specified in paragraph (1), a late payment charge of one percent of such unpaid amount shall thereupon be payable in addition to such unpaid amount.

(3) The unpaid amount and charge referred to in paragraph (2) shall be paid within a period of thirty days calculated from the day immediately after the last day of the period specified in paragraph (1). In the event that such unpaid amount and charge still remains unpaid after the thirty-day period, the rate of charge shall be increased by one percent for each and every subsequent period of thirty days or part thereof during which such amount and charge remain unpaid.