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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 12/85

Regulation 2. Interpretation.

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires -

"accredited agency" means any person accredited with the Advertising Division;

"Advertising Division" means the Advertising Division of the Ministry of Information, which manages the sales of airtime and arranges for it to be on air for radio or television;

"broadcast matter" means any sign or signal transmitted by a broadcasting station whether for aural or visual reception or both for the information, instruction or entertainment of listeners and includes any music, theatrical entertainment, concerts, lectures, speeches, addresses, news and information of any kind;

"Certificate of Accreditation" means the Certificate of Accreditation issued under paragraph 5 of the Second Schedule;

"commercial" means any sign, image or sound transmitted by radio or television for the purpose of advertising;

"Minister" means the Minister of Information;

"preferred spot" means any commercial transmitted at a specific time requested by the purchaser;

"programme" means any broadcast matter transmitted by radio or television;

"purchaser" means any person or accredited agency who purchases airtime of radio or television through the Advertising Division;

"rotational spot" means airtime which has been assigned in any time segment on the radio or television transmission time for the purpose of advertising;

"sponsored programme" means any programme sponsored exclusively by any person or accredited agency for advertising purposes;

"spot" means any commercial transmitted through radio or television in a specific duration of airtime.