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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 424/97

Regulation 3. Notice to controller, etc.

(1) No person shall, in the course of trade or business, supply or offer to supply goods of any description at cheap sale price unless a notice in writing as set out in the Schedule is served on the Controller, Deputy Controller or Assistant Controller not later than fourteen days immediately prior to the date of commencement of the supply or offer to supply goods at cheap sale price.

(2) In the case where there is more than one place of business, a copy of the notice of each place of business shall be submitted to the Controller, Deputy Controller or Assistant Controller in the area in which the goods are supplied or offered to be supplied at cheap sale price.

(3) Any notice under subregulation (1) or (2) shall be sent by delivering it personally or by sending it by registered post.

(4) For the purpose of these Regulations, where the cheap sale price is affixed, labelled, marked or tagged in any manner on the goods, bags or containers thereof by the manufacturer, producer, importer or wholesaler or such goods, the notice referred to in subregulation (1) shall be served by the manufacturer, producer, importer or wholesaler of the goods as the case may be.