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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 424/97

Regulation 6. Duration of supply or offer to supply goods at cheap sale price.

(1) Any duration of the supply or offer to supply goods at cheap sale price shall not exceed thirty days or any such duration as the Controller may fix.

(2) Subregulation (1) shall not apply to any retailer who supplies or offers to supply goods to which the cheap sale price is affixed, labelled, marked or tagged in any manner on the goods, bags or containers thereof by the manufacturer, producer, importer or wholesaler of such goods.

(3) For purpose of subregulation (2), where the retailer is found supplying or offering to supply goods to which the cheap sale price is affixed, labelled, marked or tagged on the goods, bags or containers thereof, such retailer shall be deemed to supply or offer to supply goods at cheap sale price unless he proves that the cheap sale price affixed, labelled, marked or tagged on the goods, bags or containers thereof were so affixed, labelled, marked or tagged on the goods, bags or containers thereof by the manufacturer, producer, importer or wholesaler of such goods.