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Malaysia Legislation

P.U.(A) 424/97

Regulation 8. Indication of price.

(1) Any person who in the course of trade or business supplies or offers to supply goods of any description at cheap sale price shall indicate on such goods the following:

(2) Where the nature of the goods is so small as to render it impracticable to indicate the particulars specified in subregulation (1), it shall be sufficient if display panels bearing the said particulars are placed in a conspicuous manner proximate to the goods.

(3) For the purpose of subregulation (1), "the price at which the goods were previously supplied or offered to be supplied by him" means the lowest price for the goods or goods of the same description supplied or offered to be supplied by him in the course of trade or business in the same premises during the continuous period of not less than twenty-eight days immediately preceding six months the date of commencement of the supply or offer to supply goods at cheap sale price, not including the price during any duration of cheap sale that was held at the said premises.