Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 43

Establishment of Farmers Organisations

(1) There may be established one or more Farmers' Organisations for any area determined by the Commissioner- General and consisting of persons who are eligible to be members thereof.
(2) The Commissioner-General shall where an application on that behalf is made to him by a Farmers' Organisation. register such Farmers' Organisation. Upon registration the Commissioner-General shall assign a number to such Farmers' Organisation :
(3) Every registered Farmers' Organisation shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.
(4) Every person whose livelihood is agriculture shall be eligible for membership of a Farmers' Organisation established under subsection (1). if"
(a) he is a citizen of Sri Lanka ;
(b) he is not less than sixteen years of age ; and
(c) he is a resident of the area of authority of the Farmers' Organisation in which he is seeking membership or he has been engaged in agricultural activities in that area of authority for a period exceeding two years.
(5) Associate membership of a Farmers' Organisation established under subsection (1) may be obtained by-
(a) an owner or occupier of agriculture land within the area of authority of the Farmers' Organisation, whose main livelihood is not agriculture ; or
(b) any person who is engaged in any production relating to agriculture or in the marketing of agricultural produce or goods.
(6) Every Farmers' Organisation shall elect its own office bearers. Regulations may be made in respect of the manner of election of office bearers and their terms of office, manner of transaction of business at meetings of the organisations, functions of the organisations, maintenance of the accounts of the organisation and audit of such accounts.
(7) Persons not eligible for enrolment as members of a Farmers' Organisation under this section shall be eligible for enrolment as observers.
(8) Any Farmers' Organisation may when necessary for the purposes of this Act call meetings of owner cultivators and occupiers of agricultural lands within its area of authority or of its members.
(9) A General Meeting of the members of a Farmers' Organisation shall be called in every year. When a Farmers' Organisation fails to convene a general meeting at least once in two years, the Agrarian Development Council of that area shall have the power to convene such meeting.
(10) Regulations may be made setting out the manner of election of the Committee of a Farmers' Organisation, the terms of office of the members thereof, the transaction of business at meetings of the Farmers' Organisation, removal or resignation of members of the Committee. the staff of a Farmers' Organisation, filling up of vacancies. the quorum for a meeting of the Farmers' Organisation, the enrolling of members of a Farmers' Organisation, the recovery of membership fees. convening of meetings of owner cultivators and occupiers or members, and the procedure to be followed at such meetings.

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