Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 77

Power of the Commissioner-

(1) Where the Commissioner-General is of opinion Powers that any power conferred on any Farmers' Organisation or Agrarian Development Council or Farmers' Organisations District Federation or any Farmers' Organisation Provincial Federation or the Sri Lanka Farmers' Organisations National Federation by this Act. or by any regulations made thereunder has been misused, he shall forthwith take steps to prevent the continuation of such misuse.
(2) Where any registered Farmers' Organisation or Agrarian Development Council or any Farmers' Organisation District Federation or any Fanners" Organisations Provincial Federation or the Sri Lanka Farmers' Organisations National Federation omits to exercise any power conferred on such Organisation Council or Federation by this Act. or by any regulation made under this Act the Commissioner-General may require such Organisation, Council or Federation, in writing, to exercise such power.
(3) Any registered Farmers' Organisation or Agrarian Development Council or any Farmers' Organisation District Federation or any Farmers' Organisations Provincial Federation or the Sri Lanka Farmers' Organisations National Federation which fails to comply with any requirement imposed on such Organisation, Council or Federation by the Commissioner-General under subsection (1) or subsection (2) may be dissolved by the Commissioner-General and the Commissioner-General may until such Farmers' Organisation or Farmers Organization District Federation or Farmers' Organisation Provincial Federation, Agrarian Development Council or the Sri Lanka National Federation of Farmers' Organisation Federation so dissolved is re-established, take suitable measures to ensure that its powers are exercised.

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