Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Atomic Energy Authority Act (No. 19 of 1969) - Sect 20

Safety regulations for certain occupations

(1) With respect to any class or description of premises or places specified in the regulations being premises or places in which any radioactive materials are manufactured, produced, treated stored or used or any irradiating apparatus is used provision may be made by regulations-
(a) to prevent injury being caused by ionizing radiations to the health of persons employed at those premises or places or other persons
(b) to secure that any radioactive waste products resulting from such manufacture, production , treatment storage or use as aforesaid are disposed of safely;
(c) for the enforcement of measures of environmental protection in respect of persons who reside in areas where work is carried on in regard to any source of ionizing radiation, including measures torn imposing requirements as to the erection or structural alteration of buildings or the carrying out of works; or
(d) for the effective monitoring of equipment, materials and environment, and the medical examination and the treatment, both pro-phyla tic and curative, of persons who are exposed to ionizing radiation;
(2) With respect to the transport of any radio- active materials, regulations may be made to prevent injury being caused by such transport to the health of persons engaged therein and other persons.
(3) Regulations made for the purposes of this section may provide for imposing requirements, prohibitions and restrictions on employers, employees and other persons.
(4) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with a regulation made for the purposes of this section shall be guilty of an offence.

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