Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Apartment Ownership (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of 2003) - Sect 10

Replacement of section 7A of the principal enactment

10. Section 7A of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor :-
(1) The Condominium Plan or the Provisional Condominium Plan or the Semi Condominium Plan as the case may be, shall be deemed to be registered under the provisions Condominium of this law, when the application of the owner, Property, and of the Condominium Property or the Provisional Condominium Property or the Semi Condominium Property tendered for registration has been signed and sealed by the Registrar and made cross reference in all relevant title registers are duly made.
(2) Upon the registration of the Condominium Plan or the Provisional Condominium Plan or the Semi Condominium Plan, as the case may be the owner of any condominium parcel of the Condominium Property, the owner of any provisional condominium parcel of any Provisional Condominium Property, or the owner of any condominium parcel of the Semi Condominium Property, shall be deemed to be the owner of his parcel and his share in the common elements or provisional common elements, subject to the encumbrances, if any, registered or notified in the relevant register,".

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