Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Apartment Ownership (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of 2003) - Sect 11

Replacement of section 8 of the principal enactment

11. Section 8 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor :"
(1) The owner of any condominium parcel of a registered condominium property or of a registered semi condominium property may make an application in the prescribed form to the Registrar, for the registration of the plan of amendment of the registered Condominium Plan or of registered Semi Condominium Plan.
(2) An application for the registration of such plan shall be accompanied by-
(a) survey plan, (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan of amendment" of the registered Condominium Plan or of the registered Semi Condominium Plan) prepared and drawn by a licensed surveyor to be submitted in triplicate showing the relevant alterations caused to the existing condominium parcel of the registered Condominium Plan or of the registered Semi Condominium Plan ;

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