Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Apartment Ownership (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of 2003) - Sect 12

insertion of new section 8A and 8B in the principal enactment

12. The following new sections are hereby inserted immediately after section 8 and shall have effect as sections 8A and 8B of the principal enactment ;-
(1) The owner of any Semi Condominium Property may apply to the Registrar for the registration of the condominium parcels subsequently added to the partly completed building, shown in the registered Semi Condominium Plan.
(2) An application for registration under subsection (1) shall be in the prescribed form, and be accompanied by-
(a) the prescribed fee ;
8B. The owner of any registered provisional condominium property, may apply in writing to the Registrar for the "plan of amendment" of the registered Provisional Condominium Plan of Provisional Condominium Property. Application of the owner for such registration in a prescribed form, shall be accompanied with"
(a) a survey plan, (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan of amendment" of the registered Provisional Condominium Plan) prepared and drawn by a licensed surveyor to be submitted in triplicate showing the relevant alterations caused to the provisional condominium parcel of the registered Provisional Condominium Plan ;
(b) a declaration of the applicant, along with a financial report confirming the cost of the construction of the building due to amendments effected to the registered Provisional Condominium Plan, verified by a qualified quantity surveyor or by a qualified civil or structural engineer, on"
(i) availability of funds for the construction of the building supported by a certificate from a recognized finance institution indicating their willingness to finance for the project ;
(c) implementation plan of the total construction indicating the date of commencement and the date of completion of each of following activities supported by a certificate of the qualified architect or qualified civil or structural engineer"
(i) foundation and columns ;

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