Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Electricity Reform Act (No. 28 of 2002) - Sect 26

Power to recover expenditure

(1) Where any electric line or electrical plant is provided by the distribution licensee to a person requiring a supply of electricity under section 24 , the licensee any require any expenses reasonably incurred in providing the line or plant to be defrayed by that persons to such extent as is allowed by the conditions of the distribution license.
(2) The Commission may direct a person requiring a supply of electricity under section 24 from a distribution licensee to pay of the licensee, in of any expenses reasonably incurred in providing any electric line or electrical plant used for the purpose of giving that such amount as may be reasonable in all the circumstance taking into account -
(a) the period of time between laying the distribution line and making the connection ;
(b) any payment any other person has previously made to the licensee in respect of these expenses ; and
(c) the extent to which the licensee has already recovered the licensee's expenses in full ;
(3) Directions given by the Commission under subsection (2) may require the distribution who has recovered an amount in respect of expenses reasonably incurred in providing any electric line or electrical plant, to apply any amount such recovered or part thereof in making such payments as may be appropriate toward reimbursing any person's previously contributing to such expenses.
(4) Any reference in this section to any expenses reasonable incurred providing an electric line or electrical plant includes a reference to the capitalized value of any expenses likely to be so incurred in maintaining the line or plant, in so far as such expenses are not recoverable by the distribution licensee as part of the charge by the licensee for the supply of electricity.

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