Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Electricity Reform Act (No. 28 of 2002) - Sect 27

Power to require security,

(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section a distribution licensee may require by notice in writing any persons who requires connection supply or re-connection of electricity under section 24 to provided security for the payment of all money which may become due to the licensee -
(a) in respect of the supply ; or
(b) where any electric or electrical plant requires to be provided for such supply in respect of the provision of the line or plant.
(2) Where any person has not provided such security as is required under subsection (1) or the security provided by such persons has become insufficient -
(a) the distribution licensee may be notice require that persons to provided , within seven days after the service of the notice, reasonable security for the payment of all monies which may become due to the licensee in respect of the supply ; and
(b) if that persons fails to provided such security the licensee may refuse to make the connection or discontinue the supply, as the case be for so long as the failure continues.
(3) Where any sum of money is provided to a distribution licensee by way in pursuance this section, the licensee shall pay interest on such sum money, at such rate approval of the Commission for the period is remains in the hands of the licensee.

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