Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Energy Supply (Temporary Provisions) Act (No. 2 of 2002) - Sect 11

Requisition of movable property

(1) Where any movable property is required for the purposes of this Act, the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, may, by an Order (hereinafter referred to as a "Requisition Order"), requisition with effect, from such date as is specified in such Order, the movable property specified in the Order.
(2)A Requisition Order made under subsection (1), shall have the effect of authorizing the Secretary, to take possession of the properly specified in the Order, and hand over such property to the Committee, to be used for the purposes of the Act.
(3)Any property requisitioned by the Secretary under subsection (1), may be derequisitioned by an Order (hereinafter referred to as an "Derequisition Order") by such Secretary with effect from such dale as shall be specified in such Order
(a) Compensation in respect of any movable property requisitioned under subsection (1) shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund;
(b) The assessment of the amount of compensation payable and the manner of awarding such compensation in terms of the provisions of paragraph (a), shall be as prescribed.

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