Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 2

Questions of title

2. If in any prosecution or proceeding under this Ordinance any question shall arise as to the title to the land in respect of which any such prosecution or proceeding shall be taken, the court or officer having jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon any such prosecution or proceeding shall, for the purposes of the said prosecution or proceeding, have jurisdiction to try and determine any such question of title : Provided that the judgment or decision of such court or officer on any such question shall not be received as evidence of title or pleaded in bar in any civil suit or proceeding or in any proceeding under the Land Settlement Ordinance, in which the title to the land in question may be put in issue. And in the event of judgment being entered in any suit or proceeding instituted against the Crown decreeing the title to any land reserved under this Ordinance or under any enactment repealed by Ordinance No. 18 of 1907 to be vested in the person instituting such suit or proceeding, such land shall cease to be reserved from the date of such decree. [* Note.-This Chapter has been issued as a consolidated reprint under the Statutory Reprints Ordinance (Chapter 4) on October 17, 1966, and is reproduced in this Supplement as it supersedes Chapter 451 of the Revised Edition of the Legislative Enactments, 1956, and sets out the law in force on January 1, 1967.]

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