Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 3

Order declaring forest reserved

3. When the following events have occurred, namely : -
(a) when lands have been resumed by the Crown under the provisions of the Lands Resumption Ordinance ;
(b) when lands have been declared to be the property of the Crown by an order passed under " The Waste Lands Ordinances, 1897 to 1903 " *[* Repealed by Ordinance No. 20 of 1931.] or made under the Land Settlement Ordinance ;
(c) when any land has been acquired by the Crown for public purposes under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Ordinance, or the Land Acquisition Act,
the Minister may, by Order 1 to be published in the Gazette, declare all or any of such lands or any part or parts thereof to be a reserved forest, and such Order 1 shall specify the limits of the forest which it is intended to reserve, and declare the same to be reserved from a date fixed by such Order 1. From the date so fixed such forest shall be deemed to be a reserved forest. Section 16 of the Interpretation Ordinance shall not apply to the interpretation of this section.

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