Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 28

Inspection of private timber depots and timber yards. [ 9, 13 of 1966.]

(1) Any forest officer not below the rank of range forest officer or any police officer not below the rank of sub-inspector shall have power to enter any private timber depot or timber yard and to remove any unstamped or unmarked timber found therein other than timber converted in such premises from logs brought thereto on permits and to deal with such timber in the manner provided in Chapter VI.
(2) Any person who obstructs or in any way interferes with any forest officer or police officer in the exercise of his powers under this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding one thousand rupees or to both.
(3) The Minister may make regulations applicable either to the whole Island or to any specified area providing for the registration and inspection of private timber depots and timber yards, the registration of property marks, the maintenance of registers relating to such timber depots and timber yards and the examination of such registers and property marks by duly authorized officers.

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