Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Forests Law (No. 13 of 1966) - Sect 30

Certain kinds of timber to be deemed property of the Crown until title thereto proved

(a) All unclaimed timber found adrift, beached, stranded, or sunk ;
(b) all timber bearing marks which have not been registered under regulations made under section 24 ;
(c) all timber which has been supermarket, or on which the marks have been obliterated, altered, or defaced by fire or otherwise; and
(d) in such areas as the Minister1 directs, all unmarked or unstamped timber,
(2) Such timber may be collected by any forest officer or other person authorized to collect the same, and may be brought to such stations as a forest officer empowered in this behalf may from time to time notify as stations for reception of drift timber.
(3) The Minister1 may, by notification in the Gazette, exempt any class of timber from the provisions of this section, and withdraw such exemption.

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