Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act (No. 3 of 2003) - Sect 3

Objectives underlying responsible fiscal management

3. The objectives underlying responsible fiscal management which need to be adhered to, by the Government in outlining the fiscal strategy of the government are as follows :-
(a) reduction of government debt to prudent levels, by ensuring that the budget deficit at the end of the year 2006, shall not exceed five per centum of the estimated gross domestic product and to ensure that such levels be maintained thereafter;
(b) prudent management of the financial risks faced by the government, having regard to the changing economic circumstances ;
(c) adoption of policies relating to spending which do not increase Government debt to excessive levels ;
(d) adoption of policies relating to spending and taxing, as are consistent with a reasonable degree of stability and predictability in the level of tax rates in the future ;
(e) ensuring that the sum which is calculated as the guarantee and given as a percentage of the gross domestic product for the current financial year along with the two preceding financial years, does not in the aggregate exceed 4.5 per centum ;
(f) ensuring that at the end of the financial year commencing on January 1, 2006, the total liabilities of the Government (including external debt at the current exchange rates) do not exceed eighty-five per centum of the estimated gross domestic product for that financial year ; and that at the end of the financial year commencing on January 1, 2013, the total liabilities of the Government (including external debt at the current exchange rates) do not exceed sixty per centum of the estimated gross domestic products for that financial year ; and
(g) ensuring that the policy decisions of the Government have regard to the financial impact of such decision on future generations.

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