Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act (No. 3 of 2003) - Sect 4

Fiscal Strategy Statement

(1) The fiscal strategy of the Government shall be set out in a Fiscal Strategy Statement (hereinafter referred to as "the Statement").
(2) The Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, shall in every year on the day fixed for the second reading of the Appropriation Bill in Parliament, cause the Statement of the Government to be released to the public and to also be laid before Parliament.
(3) The Government may, at any lime for reasons to be stated by the Minister, revise its Statement.
(4) Where the Government revise its Statement, the Minister shall cause the revised Statement to be released to the public and tabled in Parliament, and the revised Statement shall be effective from the date of its release.
(5) The Minister shall -
(a) if Parliament is sitting on the date of the release of the revised Statement, cause a copy of such Statement to be tabled in Parliament within two weeks of the date of such release ; or
(b) if Parliament is not sitting on the date of the release of the revised Statement, cause a copy of such Statement to be tabled in Parliament within two weeks of the next sitting of Parliament.

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