Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Galle Municipal Staffs Benevolent Association (Incorporation) Act (No. 23 of 1970) - Sect 10

"Vacancies in the Committee of Management

(1) In the event of any casual vacancy occurring in the Committee of Management, other than a vacancy referred to in sub-section (2), it shall be lawful for the remaining members of the Committee of Management to appoint another member of the Corporation to fill the vacancy, and any person so appointed to fill a casual vacancy, shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of the person in whose place he was appointed.
(2) When a member of the Committee of Management is removed from office consequent on the passing of a resolution expressing lack of confidence, at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose, the vacancy or vacancies thus created shall be filled at the same Special General Meeting, and any person so elected shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of office of the person in whose place he was elected.
(3) The resignation of a member of the Committee of Management shall be by written notice given to the President, or in his absence to the Vice-President, and the resignation of such member of the Committee shall take effect from the date specified by him in such notice.
(4) In the event of any member of the Committee of Management absenting himself from three consecutive meetings of the Committee without reasonable excuse in writing, such member of the Committee shall ipso facto forfeit his membership of the Committee. Any vacancy thus created, shall be filled as specified in sub-section (1).

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