Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Homoeopathy Act (No. 7 of 1970) - Sect 22

Objects of the Council

22. Subject to the availability of moneys in the Homoeopathic Fund, the Council shall be responsible for carrying out the following objects:
(a) the regulation and control of the practice of medicine according to homoeopathy;
(b) the promotion and encouragement of the practice of medicine according to homoeopathy;
(c) the promotion and encouragement of the study of, and research in, homoeopathy;
(d) the establishment and maintenance of a Homoeopathic Medical College;
(e) the taking, development or encouragement of measures for the investigation of diseases, and for the improvement of public health, according to homoeopathy;
(f) the regulation and control of homoeopathic institutions; and
(g) the regulation and control of the manufacture, importation, sale and distribution of homoeopathic medicines, drugs and. other preparations.

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