Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Homoeopathy Act (No. 7 of 1970) - Sect 23

Powers of the Council

(1) The Council shall have the following powers:
(a) to register homoeopathic medical practitioners;
(b) to recognize homoeopathic institutions, and to determine the circumstances in which such recognition shall be granted or refused;
(c) to prescribe the courses of study, curricula of general instruction or special or refresher courses in recognized homoeopathic institutions ;
(d) to hold examinations and to grant and confer degrees on, and diplomas to, persons who have pursued a course of study in recognized homoeopathic institutions;
(e) to demand and receive from students such fees as may be prescribed for admission to the examinations conducted by the Council;
(f) to exercise general supervision and control over recognized homoeopathic institutions in order to ensure that the required standards are maintained;
(g) to appoint examiners, from among practitioners whose names appear in the general register and publish the results of the examinations conducted by the Council; and to appoint external examiners for such examinations;
(h) to suspend or withdraw recognition from any such recognized homoeopathic institution as is not conducted in accordance with such conditions as are required under this Act, or as are prescribed :
(i) to establish, and aid research in, recognized homoeopathic institutions, and to arrange for post graduate study in homoeopathy, and to encourage the scientific manufacture of homoeopathic medicines;
(j) to publish homoeopathic journals;
(k) to make such grants of money out of the Homoeopathic Fund as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the Council;
(l) to do such acts, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as are necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Council.
(2) The Council may make rules for or in respect of any matters for which rules are required or authorized to be made by this Act. No such rule shall have effect until it is approved by the Minister and published in the Gazette.

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