Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Homoeopathy Act (No. 7 of 1970) - Sect 5

Notice of intention to appoint the first members of the Council

(1) Before appointing the first members of the Council, the Minister shall, by notice published in the Gazette and in such other manner as he may deem best calculated to give publicity thereto,
(a) declare his intention to appoint such members; and
(b) request all interested parties to recommend to him, before such date as shall be specified in the notice, the names of not more than three persons, being persons who are qualified for membership of the Council and who, in their opinion, are fit and proper persons to be such members.
(2) No person other than a person entitled to be registered as a homoeopathic practitioner under the provisions of this Act shall be appointed as a member of the Council.

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