Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Janawasa Law (No. 25 of 1976) - Sect 27


(1) The Janawasa Commission shall audit or cause to be audited by some person authorized by it by general or special order in writing in that behalf the accounts of every Janawasa once at least in every fear.
(2) For the purposes of an audit under subsection (1), the Janawasa Commission or any person authorized by it to audit the accounts shall have such powers as may be prescribed by by-laws.
(3) The Janawasa Commission or any person authorized by general or special order in writing in that behalf by the Janawasa Commission, shall at all times have access to all the books, accounts, papers and securities of a Janawasa, and shall be entitled ,to inspect the cash in hand, and every officer or member of the Janawasa shall furnish such information in regard to the transactions and working of the Janawasa as the person making an audit may require.

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