Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Janawasa Law (No. 25 of 1976) - Sect 28


(1) The Janawasa Commission may of its own motion and shall on the application of a majority of the members of a Janawasa, hold or direct some person authorized by it by order in writing in that behalf, to hold an inquiry into the constitution, working and financial condition of the Janawasa.
(2) An inquiry into the constitution, working or financial condition of a janawasa society registered under the Co-operative Societies Law, No. 5 of 1972 commenced under that Law and pending on the appointed date may, if such society is deemed under section 6 to be registered as a Janawasa, be continued and concluded under this Law.
(3) For the purposes of an inquiry under subsection (1) or subsection (2) the Janawasa Commission or any person authorized by it to hold an inquiry, shall hare such powers as may be prescribed by by-laws.

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