Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mediation (Special Categories Of Disputes) Act (No. 21 of 2003) - Sect 14

Where no settlement is possible

14. Where the parties to a dispute do not agree to a settlement, the Board shall
(a) in the case of a dispute referred to the Board upon an application made under section 7, issue a certificate of non settlement in the prescribed form signed by the Chief Mediator, stating that such dispute has been referred to such Board and that it has not been possible to settle the dispute by mediation and stating therein the reasons for non-settlement ;
(b) in the case of a dispute referred by any court or labour tribunal for settlement under section 9, report to such court or labour tribunal as the case may be, in the prescribed form signed by the Chief Mediator, that it has not been possible to settle the dispute by mediation and stating therein the reasons for non-settlement.

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