Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Muslim Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act (No. 32 of 1969) - Sect 7

Replacement of section 67 of the principal Act

7. Section 67 of the principal Act is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor:-
67. Where it appears to the Judicial Service Commission, on the application of any party to, or any person interested In, any proceedings Instituted or to be instituted under this Act before a Quazi that a fair and impartial inquiry cannot be had before such Quazi, or where Quazi himself makes an application i: that behalf to the said Commission, the Commission may order that such proceedings be Instituted before and heard by special Quazi appointed in that behalf be the Commission under section 14 and, in the event of any such order being made any proceedings taken before the firs' mentioned Quazi in respect of the matter to which such application relates shall be of no effect. ".

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