(1) The Ceylon Transport Board may exercise all or any of the following powers: -
| (i) to acquire, hold, take or give on lease or hire, mortgage, pledge and sell or otherwise dispose of any immovable or movable property; | | |
| (ii) to employ such officers and servants as may be necessary for carrying out the work of the board; | | |
| (iii) to do anything for the purpose of advancing the skill of persons employed by the board or the efficiency of the equipment of the board or of the manner in which that equipment is operated, including the provision by the board, and the assistance of the provision by others, of facilities for training persons required to carry out the work of the board; | | |
| (iv) to establish a provident fund, and provide welfare and recreational facilities, houses, hostels and other like accommodation for persons employed by the board; | | |
| (v) to construct, manufacture, purchase, maintain and repair anything required for the purpose of the business of the board; | | |
| (vi) to provide for passengers transported by the board such amenities as shelters or stations; | | |
| (vii) to undertake the carriage of newspapers, mails, parcels or other postal articles for payment; | | |
| (viii) to provide occasional omnibus services in Ceylon, and hiring car services on any route either in lieu of omnibus services where the board is of opinion that the provision of omnibus services is impracticable or difficult, or in addition to omnibus services where the board is of opinion that the provision of such hiring car services is necessary to meet an increased demand for passenger transport; | | |
| (ix) to provide and maintain places at which omnibuses or hiring cars of the board may be halted or may stand for hire; | | |
| (x) to delegate to any officer of the board any such function of the board as the board may consider necessary so to delegate for the efficient transaction of business; | | |
| (xi) to enter into and perform, directly or through any officer or agent authorized in that behalf by the board, all such contracts as may be necessary for the performance of the duties and the exercise of the powers of the board; | | |
| (xii) to make rules in relation to its officers and servants, including their appointment, promotion, remuneration, disciplinary control, conduct and the grant of leave to them; | | |
| (xiii) to make rules in respect of the administration of the affairs of the board; and | | |
| (xiv) to do all other things which, in the opinion of the board, are necessary to facilitate the proper carrying on of its business. | | |