Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Institute Of Business Management Law (No. 23 of 1976) - Sect 3

General objects of the Institute

(1) The general objects of the Institute shall be -
(a) to train and educate managerial and supervisory staff of industrial and commercial under-takings of the public and private sector and other persons in modern management and productivity, and to award certificates and diplomas, in connection therewith;
(b) to make available to the Government and the country the services of a group of specialists, in the various functional areas of management for advice, consultancy and special assignments:
(c) to assist Government and private organizations to improve productivity, establish performance standards, determine rational monetary compensation systems and evolve appropriate programmes for human relations;
(d) to actively co-operate with other organizations, groups and Individuals in management training, research and related activities in Sri Lanka and abroad:
(e) to disseminate Information on the functions and activities of the Institute to the public and relevant institutions;
(f) to train and educate -workers for creative participation in management and appreciation of organizations,. functions and problems:
(g) to represent the Institute before appropriate national and international bodies and conferences :
(h) to undertake research and to gather data on aspects of management and relevant socio-economic phenomena for a better appreciation of environmental context;
(i) to provide a forum for critical appraisal and modification of management and organization theories for application In the special circumstances of Sri Lanka;
(j) to sponsor and hold conferences and seminars and publish books, journals and magazines in connection with management and productivity, with the assistance of approved national or international organizations where necessary;
(k) to co-ordinate and liaise with approved management and productivity bodies in Sri Lanka and other countries.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Institute to advise the Minister and the Government on any or all of the matters referred to In subsection (1) and on any other matter that may be referred to the Institute for advice by the Minister and the Government

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