Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Institute Of Business Management Law (No. 23 of 1976) - Sect 4

Powers of the Institute

4. The Institute shall have such powers, rights and functions as may reasonably be necessary to carry out its objects and duties and in particular may-
(a) acquire in any manner whatsoever and hold, take or give on lease or hire, mortgage, pledge, sell or otherwise dispose of, any movable or immovable property;
(b) establish and operate management training and education centres;
(c) conduct, assist, co-ordinate and encourage research into all aspects of management;
(d) appoint, employ, remunerate and exercise disciplinary control over its officers and servants;
(e) levy fees or charges for any service rendered by the Institute;
(f) pay fees or charges for any services rendered to the Institute;
(g) import plants machinery and equipment required for the purposes of the Institute, and receive equipment, funds, personnel and any other assistance for carrying out the objects of the Institute:
(h) establish work performance standards for its own personnel, evaluate such performance and take reasonable action thereupon:
(i) establish and maintain welfare and recreational facilities for its employees;
(j) make rules in relation to its officers and servants including the appointment, training, promotion, remuneration, disciplinary control, conduct and grant of leave;
(k) make roles in respect of the general administration of the Institute:
(l) do all other things which are necessary or conducive or incidental to the attainment- of the objectives and functions of the Institute.

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