Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Notaries (Amendment) Law (No. 20 of 1976) - Sect 6

Replacement of section 16 of the principal enactment:

6. Section 18 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following new section substituted therefor: -
(1) A list of all persons authorized to act as notaries within any zone shall be kept at all times posted in some conspicuous place at the High Court of the zone for general information.
(2) The Registrar of the court shall from time to time, as occasion may require, correct the said list by striking therefrom the names of any notaries who have died or been struck off the roll of notaries, or have left the said zone, or ceased to practise as notaries therein.
(3) The Registrar shall on the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December in each year forward to the Registrar-General a copy of such list corrected up to date, and to each of the several District Courts and Magistrates' Courts within the zone a corrected list of notaries entitled to practise within the jurisdiction of such District Courts and Magistrates' Courts respectively.
(4) Each District Judge and Magistrate shall cause the list so received by him to be affixed to some conspicuous place on the wall of his court.".

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