Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Notaries (Amendment) Law (No. 20 of 1976) - Sect 7

Replacement of section 19 of the principal enactment

7. Section 19 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following new section substituted therefor: -
(1) Where a notary has been indicted before a District Court or a High Court, the Minister may, on the application of the Attorney General, suspend him from the office of notary pending his trial. If the notary shall be acquitted, or shall not be brought to trial within six months after his suspension, the same shall cease to be in force and shall be deemed to be removed.
(2) Where a notary, who is an attorney-at-law, has been suspended from his office as attorney at law, he shall during the period of the suspension be disqualified from discharging the duties of a notary.".

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