Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Library And Documentation Services Board Act (No. 51 of 1998) - Sect 12

Establishment and Functions of the National Library Documentation Centre

(1) There shall be established, under the management and control of the Board, a National Library and Documentation Centre (hereinafter referred to as the Centre ).
(2) Subject to the provisions of section 4, the functions of the Centre shall be-
(a) to make available for the use of all sections of the community, a national collection of library and documentation resources appropriate to their needs ;
(b) to preserve the national and cultural heritage of Sri Lanka through the establishment, development and maintenance of a national collection of library and documentation materials, published in, or relating to, Sri Lanka ;
(c) to receive copies of Sri Lankan publications deposited in the Department of National Archives under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 179) ;
(d) to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, copies of publications published in, or relating to, Sri Lanka, or of foreign publications relevant to the needs of Sri Lanka ;
(e) to provide bibliographic services, including National Bibliographic Services and to compile a National Union Catalogue of library materials of libraries in Sri Lanka;
(f) to establish and create a national bibliographic database of documents and publications, published in, or relating to, Sri Lanka ;
(g) to publish the National Bibliography of Sri Lanka ;
(h) to provide reference, information, referral, reprographic and documentary research services to all sections of the community of Sri Lanka ;
(i) to facilitate access to the library and documentation resources which are, or may in future become, available in or outside Sri Lanka to all members of the community ;
(j) to promote, advise and assist in, the establishment, development and maintenance of, library and documentation networks, including networks of public, school, academic, government and other libraries and documentation centres serving all sections of the community in Sri Lanka ;
(k) to promote and facilitate co-operation and resource sharing among libraries and documentation centres, at national and international levels, including exchanges of library materials, interlibrary lending and document copying, and the training and exchange of staff;
(l) to promote the introduction and efficient application of new information technologies in libraries and documentation centres in Sri Lanka through the application of such technologies in the work of the Centre and to provide advice, assistance and training to other bodies regarding the introduction of such technologies, or promotional activities ; and
(m) to undertake such projects, and provide such facilities and services, in pursuance of the functions of the Board, as the Board may from time to time require.
(3) The functions of the Centre shall be discharged under the direction of the Director-General in his capacity as the principal Executive Officer of the Board.

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