Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Library And Documentation Services Board Act (No. 51 of 1998) - Sect 13

Appointment of the Director General of the Board

(1) The Board shall appoint to the staff of the Board, a Director-General (in this Act referred to as the "Director- General of the General") who shall be the principal Executive Officer and Secretary of the Board.
(2) The Director of National Library Services appointed under the Ceylon National Library Services Board Act holding office on the day immediately preceding the appointed date, and who has not reached his age of retirement shall if he consents, be the first Director-General of the Board.
(3) The Director-General shall, subject to the general direction of the Board, be charged with the administration of the affairs of the Board and the control of the officers and servants of the Board. He shall also be responsible for the execution of all the decisions of the Board.
(4) The Director-General shall exercise, perform and discharge, such powers, functions and duties as may be delegated to him by the Board.
(5) The Director-General shall be entitled to be present and to speak, but not to vote, at any meeting of the Board or any other committee established under this Act.
(6) The office of the Director-General shall become vacant upon the death of, or resignation by letter to that effect addressed to the Chairman by, the Director-General.

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