Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Library And Documentation Services Board Act (No. 51 of 1998) - Sect 4

Functions of the Board

4. The functions of the Board shall be-
(a) to assess the need for library and documentation services among all sectors of the community and to promote the development of library and documentation services ;
(b) to administer, manage and control, the affairs of the National Library and Documentation Centre established under section 12 ;
(c) to advise the Minister regarding plans, programmes and activities for the development of library and documentation services in Sri Lanka ;
(d) to provide co-ordination for, and promote co operation in, library and documentation services in Sri Lanka ;
(e) to provide professional advice and training, and to facilitate the provision of, technical, material and financial assistance, including the provision of furniture, equipment and library and documentation materials, to libraries and librarians in Sri Lanka ;
(f) to promote the development of the library and documentation profession in Sri Lanka ;
(g) to initiate, promote, conduct and co-ordinate, research, surveys and investigations in relation to all aspects of library and documentation services ;
(h) to formulate and promulgate national standards with regard to all aspects of library and documentation services ;
(i) to promote the reading habit through the production of publications, trie provision of advice and assistance to other agencies for the production of publications, and through exhibitions, displays and other promotional activities ;
(j) to organize meetings, training courses, exhibitions and other activities in connection with any aspect of its work ;
(k) to initiate and finance competitions, prizes and awards in connection with any aspect of its activities ; and
(l) to do all such acts and things which in the opinion of the Board are necessary for, or conducive or incidental to, the discharge of its functions.

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