Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Library And Documentation Services Board Act (No. 51 of 1998) - Sect 5

Powers of the Board

5. The Board shall have the power-
(a) to establish, manage and maintain the National Library and Documentation Centre and such other libraries or documentation centres as the Board considers necessary for the discharge of its functions ;
(b) to enter into and perform all such agreements and contracts, in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, as may be necessary for the exercise of its powers, or the performance of its duties, in particular with regard
(i) the acquisition of library and documentation materials through Sri Lankan publications deposited in the Department of National Archives under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 179), purchase, gift and exchange;
(ii) the creation, collection and dissemination of bibliographic records ;
(iii) the establishment, operation and development of libraries and documentation centres and the provision of library and documentation services ;
(iv) the inter lending and copying of library and documentation materials ;
(v) the preparation, production and distribution of publications ;
(vi) the education and training of library and documentation staff and users ;
(c) to acquire and hold any movable or immovable property and to sell, lease, mortgage, exchange or otherwise dispose of the same :
(d) to open and maintain, current, savings and deposit accounts in any bank ;
(e) to accept grants or donations, from persons or bodies of persons, in or outside Sri Lanka ;
(f) to delegate to the Chairman, and the Director General, as the Board may deem appropriate, any power, duty or function conferred or imposed on or assigned to the Board by this Act;
(g) to engage in activities not inconsistent with the functions of the Board, for generating income to be utilized for discharging the functions of the Board.
(h) to employ such number of officers, agents and servants as it considers necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions and the performance of its duties under this Act, and to exercise control over and dismiss any officer, agent or servant so appointed.

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