Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Metric Conversion Law (No. 17 of 1976) - Sect 15

Functions and duties of the Authority

15. The functions and duties of the Authority shall be -
(a) to implement the metrication programme of the State;
(b) to prepare any modification to the contribution programme that may be considered necessary by the Authority;
(c) to co-ordinate the activities of Government Departments, public Corporations and local authorities in relation to- the metrication programme ;
(d) to prepare such conversion tables for the purposes of the metrication programme as may be considered necessary;
(e) to assess the annual expenditure required by Government Departments, public Corporations and local authorities in order to implement the metrication programme of the State; .
(f) to carry out any necessary programme of education of the general public in relation to the metrication programme and to use all available media of publicity in achieving such object;
(g) to decide on and to advise the Government on the restriction of the importation of non-metric machinery, implements or other scientific equipment; and
(h) to do all such other acts as the Authority may consider necessary for the furtherance of its objects and duties under this Law.

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