Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Metric Conversion Law (No. 17 of 1976) - Sect 16

Authority may request information

(1) The Authority may at any time request in writing any state officer, any director, manager or other officer of a body corporate, any member of an unincorporated body of persons or any officer of a local authority to furnish within a specified period of time any information which the Authority considers necessary relating to or connected with the metrication programme of the State and it shall be the duty of the person who receives such a request to supply the information required within the time specified.
(2) All information furnished under subsection (1) shall be given in writing and shall be accompanied by a declaration that such information is true and accurate to the best of the knowledge and belief of the declarant.
(3) All information obtained by the Authority under subsection (2) shall be treated as confidential by the members of the Authority and by every officer and servant thereof, except where the disclosure or-publication of such information is made with the consent in writing of the person from whom such information is obtained:
(4) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (1) or subsection (3) or who furnishes information under subsection (2) knowing such information to be false shall be guilty of an offence under this Law.

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