Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Zoological Gardens Act (No. 41 of 1982) - Sect 5

Offences and penalties

(1) Any person who
(a) enter the Zoo without a valid ticket issued at the entrance of the Zoo, on payment of the appropriate fee;
(b) refuses or fails to produce his ticket when requested to do so by the Director or any Deputy or any Assistant Director or any person authorized by the Director;
(c) sells or transfers or attempts to sell or transfer a ticket issued to him in order to enable any other person to enter the Zoo ;
(d) engages in feeding any animal in any area within the Zoo where such feeding is prohibited by a notice;
(e) uses any radio or other sound equipment in any area within the Zoo where the use of such equipment is prohibited by a notice ;
(f) uses photographic equipment within the Zoo without the prior approval of the Director ;
(g) leads any animal into the Zoo without the prior approval of the Director ;
(h) within the Zoo carries or has in his possession or under his control any gun, cartridge, firearm or other explosive of any description ;
(i) discharges or attempts to discharge any gun or uses any explosives ;
(j) enters any area within the Zoo into which entry is prohibited by a notice ;
(k) within the Zoo teases, annoys, disturbs, harasses or injures any animal or acts in any other manner which is in any way detrimental to the safety or health of any animal on exhibition ;
(l) within the Zoo obstructs, threatens or hinders any employee of the Zoo ;
(m) removes or damages any property belonging to the Zoo ;
(n) parks a vehicle outside the parking areas provided by the Director;
(o) within the Zoo, distributes or exhibits any hand bill, placard, poster, notice or any such document, without the prior approval of the Director;
(p) drives a motor vehicle in any area within the Zoo, where driving of motor vehicles is prohibited ; and
(q) sells or exhibits for sale any article within the Zoo, without the prior approval of the Director, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.
(2) Every person who is found guilty of an offence under subsection (1) shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred rupees.

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