Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Act (No. 11 of 1963) - Sect 11

Savings.[ 47 (2), 11 of 1963.]

11. Where any person was, on the thirty-first day of December, 1963, carrying on business as a pawnbroker under the authority of a licence issued to him under the principal enactment but is prohibited from carrying on such business after that day by virtue of the operation of that enactment as amended by section 47 (1) of Act No. 11 of 1963, then, notwithstanding anything in that enactment as so amended, any right, liability, action, proceeding or thing, acquired or incurred or pending by or against such person on or before that day in his capacity as such pawnbroker may, after that day, be enforced or carried on or completed as though such person was not so prohibited from carrying on such business.

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