Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Service Mutual Provident Association (Amendment) Law (No. 54 of 1973) - Sect 5

Replacement of section 11 of the principal enactment

5. Section 11 of the principal enactment is herein repealed and the following new section substituted therefor:
11. On the death, resignation. transfer from the administrative limit of the municipality of Colombo (if in service), vacation of office under sub section (3) of section 4, or absence front Sri Lanka of any member of the committee of management not being the president or one of the two nominated members, or in the event of such member of the committee of management ceasing to be a member of the corporation under the rules made as hereinafter provided, it shall be lawful for the remaining members of the committee of management to elect any member of the corporation as his successor, and the member so elected shall continue in office until the annual general meeting of the corporation next following his election:

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