Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (No. 35 of 2002) - Sect 17

Functions of the Commission

17. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Commission shall, among other things-
(a) exercise, perform and discharge the powers, functions and duties conferred on or assigned to the Commission by or under this Act or any industry Act.
(b) consult, to the extent the Commission considers appropriate any person of group who or which may be affected, or likely to be affected by the decisions of the Commission ;
(c) advise the Government, as the Commission deems appropriate, on all matters concerning any industry falling within the purview of this Act ;
(d) collect record and disseminate, subject to section 15 (4), information concerning any public utilities industries :
(e) prepare within six months of its establishment a regulatory manual containing a code of good practice governing the functions of the Commission and revise it as and when required ;
(f) exercise licensing, regulatory and inspection functions in respect of all matters provided for in any industry Act :
(g) enforce the provisions of licences, contracts and other instruments issued under the authority of any industry Act;
(h) regulate tariffs and other charges levied by regulated entities where required by any industry Act ;
(i) determine by mediation disputes arising in any public utilities industry ;
(j) set and enforce technical and other standards relating to the safety, quality, continuity and reliability of the public utilities industries ;and
(k) undertake such other incidental or ancillary activities which the Commission may consider appropriate for the effective discharge of any of its functions.

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