Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (No. 35 of 2002) - Sect 19

Finality of order made under section 18 subject in appeal on a question of law

(1) An order, award or direction made by the Commission under section 18 shall, subject to subsection (2), be final.
(2) An appeal shall lie by any person aggrieved from an order, award or direction made under section 18 on a question of law, to the Court of Appeal.
(3) An appeal under subsection (2), shall be by written petition and shall-
(a) be presented in triplicate to the Commission within thirty days after the date of the Communication by which the order, award of direction was notified to the appellant ;
(b) set forth the order, award or direction of the Commission and the question of law to be argued ;
(c) make any necessary party a respondent to such appeal ; and
(d) be accompanied by a fee of one thousand rupees to be made payable to the Fund of the Commission.
(4) Where a petition of appeal is presented to the Commission in the manner and within the time specified in subsection (3), the Commission shall-
(a) transmit, or cause to be transmitted to the Court of Appeal a copy of the petition together with the record of the proceedings in which the order, award or direction referred to in the petition was made or given ;
(b) issue, or cause to be issued notice of the appeal to the respondents named in the petition of appeal together with a copy of that petition ; and
(c) file or cause to be filed of record a copy of the petition.
(5) The Court of Appeal may in determining such question of law, confirm, vary or annul the order, award or direction of the Commission or may remit the matter to the Commission with the decision of that Court on the question of law with such directions as may be deemed appropriate.

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