Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (No. 35 of 2002) - Sect 22

Commission's competition functions

22. The Commission shall, in relation to each public utilities industry, regulate and inquire into anti-competitive practices, monopolies, acquisitions and abuses of a dominant position, and merger situations and may carry out an investigation, either of its own motion or on a complaint or request made to it by any person, with respect to
(a) the existence or suspected existence of any anti-competitive practices ;
(b) the acquisition; existence or suspected existence of abuse of a dominant position which may affect domestic trade or economic development in one or more markets in which a regulated entity operates ; or
(c) the creation or suspected creation of a merger situation,
on becoming aware of the same, in consultation with any regulated entity affected or likely to be affected the complainant and any Consumer Consultative Committee established.

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