Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 58

Rectification and indemnity

58. The Registrar of Title may rectify the Registers and other records maintained under this Act in the following instances:-
(1) On an order from the Registrar-General of Title where"
(a) errors or omissions not materially affecting the interests of any proprietor, have been detected;
(b) upon a resurvey as certified by the Surveyor- General, particulars contained in the register require amendment, on the Registrar-General of Title giving notice to all shown by such Register to have an interest in or likely to be affected by such amendment and calling for written representations thereon.
(c) upon proof of change of name of the registered owner under the provisions of the Births and Deaths Registration Act.
(2) On an order of Court to rectify such Register made under section 59.

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