Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sports (Amendment) Act (No. 47 of 1993) - Sect 11

Amendment of section 34 of the principal enactment

11. Section 34 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the addition at the end of that section of the following subsection :
" (4) Where the Minister makes an Order under subsection (1) ordering the dissolution of any National Association of Sports or suspends the registration of any National Association of Sports under section 32, the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister may, by notice in writing, require the office-bearers of such National Association of Sports to deliver all movable property (including any books and documents) of such National Association of Sports to the Director of Sports. Any person who fails to comply with any requirement imposed on him under this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction, after summary trial before a Magistrate to a fine of five thousand rupees.".

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