Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Stamp Duty (Amendment) Act (No. 63 of 1993) - Sect 3

Amendment of section 13 of the principal enactment

3. Section 13 of the principal enactment as last amended by Act No. 29 of 1993, is hereby further amended as follows:
(1) by the repeal of paragraph (ii) of subsection (2) of that section, and the substitution therefor of the following paragraph:
"(ii) every bank, approved credit agency, institution, company or licensed stock broker shall collect the stamp duty payable in respect of every bill of exchange (other than a cheque), promissory note, trust receipt, letter of trust or declaration of trust taken by it, every pledge in respect of corporeal movables made to it, every application made to it, for a letter of credit, every certificate of deposit issued by it, any one of the documents of payment presented to it in respect of any corporeal movable (being any corporeal movable in respect of which a letter of credit has not been opened with it), share certificate issued by it, and the instrument effecting a transfer of shares in a quoted public company effected by him or it;"; and
(2) by the repeal of subjection (4) of that section, and the substitution therefor of the following subsection :
(4) Where the payment of the stamp duty with which every bill of exchange (other than a cheque), promissory note, trust receipt, letter of trust, declaration of trust, pledge in respect of corporeal movables, application made for a letter of credit or certificate of deposit, any one of the documents of payment presented to it in respect of any corporeal movable (being any corporeal movable in respect of which a letter of credit has not been opened with it), share certificate or instrument effecting a transfer of shares in a quoted public company has been compounded or collected and remitted as the case may be, in accordance with this section, the bank, the approved credit agency, institution, company or licensed stock broker as the case may be, shall certify on such bill of exchange (other than a cheque), promissory note, trust receipt, letter of trust, declaration of trust, pledge in respect of corporeal movables, application made for a letter of credit or certificate of deposit, document of payment, share certificate or instrument effecting transfer of shares in a quoted public company, as the case may be, that the stamp duty on it has been compounded or collected and remitted as the case may be. Such certificate shall be substantially in the following form:

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