Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Stamp Duty (Amendment) Act (No. 63 of 1993) - Sect 4

Amendment of section 27 of the principal enactment

4. Section 27 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows:
(1) in subsection (1) of that section by the substitution for the words " or approved credit agency , of the words ' approved credit agency, institution, company or a licensed stock broker ";
(2) in subsection (2) of that section by the substitution for the words " or approved credit agency ", of the words "approved credit agency, institution, company or a licensed stock broker "; and
(3) by the repeal of subsection (4) of that section, and the substitution therefor of the following subsection :
"(4) The Commissioner-General or any officer authorized in writing by him may, after giving due notice to any person in charge of a public office, corporation, bank, an approved credit agency, institution or company, examine any instrument in such office, corporation, bank, agency, institution or company in order to ascertain whether such instrument is duly stamped and shall compound such instrument if it is not so stamped.".

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