Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Surveyors' Institute Sri Lanka (Incorporation) Act (No. 22 of 1982) - Sect 4

General objects of the Corporation,

4. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(a) to promote and advance the science and practices of land surveying in all its branches in Sri Lanka ;
(b) to promote and encourage professional conduct members to regulate professional activities and to assist-in maintaining high standards in the general conducts of its members
(c) to maintain correct and uniform practice and discipline among members and to take disciplinary necessary;
(d) to provide opportunities for the acquisition and diffusion of knowledge in respect of land surveying and allied subjects, and for that purpose to establish and maintain libraries and provide other facilities;
(e) to establish, regulate and maintain pension and benefit schemes and other financial arrangements for its members and their dependants
(f) to provide means for the amicable settlement of Pro- professional differences by arbitration or otherwise and to nominate arbitrators ;
(g) to protect arid promote the interests of the members and that of the public in relation to the profession of land surveying
(h) to conduct examinations qualifying for membership of the Corporation;
(i) to conduct examinations to assess the eligibility of candidates for admission to the various grades of membership;
(j) to consider represent and express the opinion of the members of the Corporation and to collect and circulate information relating to legislative and other measures affecting surveyors and land surveying, and to suggest amendments to any law relating to surveyors and land surveying;
(k) to foster coordination with similar professional institutes-and associations in Sri Lanka and other countries in furthering the objects of the Corporation;
(l) generally to protect and promote the interests fare, rights and privileges of the land surveying, profession in Sri Lanka ;and
(m) to do all such other acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

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